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Zipi Beirak

"...Walking throughout my life in streets, alleys, shaded courtyard, strolling through the countryside and wandering in big cities, I was always watching people closely. Their expressions and body language fascinated me. Their self -image, intimate thoughts and smiles, their hopes and yearning for human contact, sometimes despair and the unending sweet and sour tastes of humor or sadness, working people at leisure, poor people, rich people, interactions, touches, generations - what could be more thrilling and amusing? What theatre could provide a better show, a better choreography, a better stage and players? Only later in my life did my third eye, my beloved camera, begin to accompany me in my travels of observation, becoming my best, most intimate associate and companion in this adventure, reflecting and documenting my private mission..."  

Zipi Bizanski - Beirak, Born 1950 in Kibbutz Kfar Masaryk, Israel. A graphic designer and photographer, she has used her own photos in the design of numerous Hebrew book covers. She is the author of a book - "Beit-yeladim" - about her kibbutz childhood, which she herself designed. She is mother to Noa - professional opera singer, and to Adam - film director and animation artist, and is wife to Meir - architect and collector. 

Zipi Bizanski
Beit Yeladim
Graphic Design l/studio.asp?type=graphic& ARTISTID=178

Noa Bizansky: ults?search_query=noa+biza nsky&aq=f

Adam Bizanski: